Sunday, October 14, 2012

Where Our Strength Lies

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” –Philippians 4:13 (NKJV).

Last week through e-mail I sent out a favorite Bible verse to several friends/family members and asked them to respond in kind with a favorite verse of theirs.  Several of those who did reply quoted Philippians 4:13.  Some included comments such as this:  “Since I was very young and a new Christian, this has been the verse I quote to myself for reassurance.”  This is a verse that we sometimes call a “life verse,” one that promises us victorious living no matter the circumstances we face.  Dr. .J. B. Phillips translates Philippians 4:13 this way:  “I am ready for anything through the strength of the One who lives within me.”  The Living Bible renders the verse:  “I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.”

In the biography of Dr. Hudson Taylor, written by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor about the inimitable missionary to China who went there from England in 1853, we read of how hard he worked, what little response he had and how he was persecuted, endured poverty and other difficulties, yet at first saw few converts to show for his labors.  He felt that he was trusting Christ for his needs, yet he had little freedom or joy in his ministry.  Then one day Missionary Taylor got a letter from a dear friend.  The friend wrote:  “It is not by trusting my own faithfulness, but by looking away to the Faithful One!”  [Minneapolis:  Baker Book House.  Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret].  That encouragement proved a turning point in Hudson Taylor’s work.  He began to turn the responsibility for providing needs over to Christ.  He continued to work hard himself, but he relied on Christ’s faithfulness for results.  The China Inland Mission was a major breakthrough in medical missions and evangelism.  Jesus teaches the same lesson of depending on Him as he gives the abiding principle in the Vine and the branches (John 15).  We are to abide.  Christ will supply the strength.

I mentioned earlier this week that “The Pew Report” has indicated that many in America do not believe in Christ or His power to motivate and lead them.  We need definitely to pray for salvation for unbelievers.  But we need also to pray that those who have experienced Christ’s grace will let go of their own shortcomings, fears and lack of faith and let Christ have His wonderful way in their lives.  What a difference it would make if every Christian believer in America would ask every day the WWJD question.  Those reminder letters are on a bracelet many Christian teenagers wear.  It asks, simply, “What would Jesus do?”  If we can make a practice of asking what Jesus would do and then remember that whatever the challenge is, He provides the strength for us to do it.  Every day we could make a difference as we go about the business of daily living.

Prayer concerns.  In this period of 40 days of intensive prayer, pray that the candidates for office will be made aware of Philippians 4:13 and of the important question, “What would Jesus do?”  If enough Christians heed this practice, we will see an amazing difference in attitude, action and awareness of our mission to shine for Jesus where we are.  May this be so, to the glory of God the Father!

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