Saturday, October 13, 2012

Power to Overcome

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  -John 16:33 (ESV).

The occasion of Jesus’ word to His disciples from John 16:33 was in the Upper Room just before His betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane by Judas, one of the twelve.  Jesus had instituted  the Lord’s Supper as a memorial of His sacrifice on the cross, which act of love and redemption would shortly take place.  It seemed almost as if Jesus could not get all the things told to the disciples He wanted them to hear before His earthly death occurred.  He wanted to encourage them and let them know that death would not be the end for Him, but the beginning of something glorious and rewarding for all peoples.  But in the interim between the time in the Upper Room and the victory of Resurrection morning, there would be fear, disappointment and great sorrow for the disciples.  Likewise, Jesus knew that in the days following His own ascension back to the Father, His disciples would face many hardships as they became His messengers with the Good News of salvation.  But He had a peace to give them that the world could not give.  This peace can be a part of any disciple’s life, even when going through great tribulation.  He wanted them to learn and believe that circumstances cannot defeat the one who is firmly planted in the Word and in the Lord Jesus Christ.  “I have overcome the world!”  He declared, and the same victory Jesus experienced in His flesh, though scourged, buffeted, mocked and killed, was the same victory He was encouraging His disciples to anticipate in their tribulations.

How can we apply this message from Jesus to our current situation in America and our forty days of earnest prayer for our own humbling of ourselves, seeking God’s face, and turning from our wicked ways?  Jesus would say to His believers today:  I have overcome the world!” And furthermore, He would say to us that the love God the Father has for Him the Father also has for us (John 17:26).  Is it not glorious to think that the Lord of Creation loves even me?  That regardless of circumstances He has peace to offer us?  That because He overcame the world and was victorious in the mission God sent Him to earth to do, that we, too, can overcome the world and know victory?  Think on these things; they are steadfast promises that are as fresh as today’s sunrise, as close as breathing, as sure as raindrops poured out on arid earth.

Prayer concerns:  Those who are now campaigning so hard for public office must be extremely tired, often frustrated, and certainly anxious to know the outcome of the electoral process.  They are spending too much money, having too little time to think and pray, and hardly having time to consider what they will do when elected or re-elected.  Pray for their humility, for them to seek God, and to pause in their hectic schedules to give time to God and His purposes and message.  Just moments caught in renewal and prayer will give them perspective about what is important.  Pray that they will be given wisdom and ability from the Lord to overcome any obstacles in this campaign, to have unusual strength, and to have faith to sustain them.  May they overcome in whatever way they must.

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