Sunday, March 25, 2012

Peace: Jesus’ Legacy to Believers

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” –John 14:27 (ESV).

Yesterday we considered “Peace Is Possible” based on the marvelous prophecy of peace of which Isaiah wrote so convincingly in Isaiah 26:3-4. Move forward centuries and see a small group of eleven disciples gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem. Judas had already departed from the group to go to the authorities to make arrangements to betray Jesus. Then in his discourse our Lord gave this amazing declaration—His statement of a legacy of peace. He wanted them to know He was making arrangements to leave His peace with them. This was a fulfillment of the promised peace Isaiah made long ago. Amidst major unrest and trouble Jesus gave the promise. Is it any wonder the disciples puzzled at His words, were concerned by the roiling, belligerent atmosphere of the religious leaders who sought to trap Jesus on every hand? There in that upper room Jesus told them (and us; here I paraphrase): “I have something very important to leave with you. I am going away, ut a new kind of peace will always be with you. It is My peace, and t is a kind of peace that passes all understanding. It will ermeate your hearts, dwell in them, be present with you to dispel ear, give you hope when despair wants to overtake you. My peace I leave with you, give to you. Don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid

An important aspect of the peace of Jesus is that it is a gift. “My peace I give to you!” How many times in the years to come, after Jesus had returned to the Father, would the disciples have to rely on the gift of peace to see them through persecution? Starting the church of the living Lord was not an easy task in first century Christendom. Neither has it always been easy since then. Its history is paved with the blood of martyrs. Even today, those who oppose the peace that Jesus offers want to put serious restrictions on freedom of religion and the spread of the gospel of peace. We need to hear afresh and anew Jesus’s genuine promise of peace and rejoice in the legacy of peace He left to believers.

The words of the spiritual express this gift:
“I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river in my soul!”
The peace of Jesus surrounds me,
A shield from life’s darkest storms;
His gift embedded in my heart
Gives hope, permeates and warms.
If fears creep in I surely know
That I’m not exercising His gift;
For His peace deep within my heart
Will empower, give purpose, lift.

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